Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We're back at the hospital following seizure #2. Around 8 pm, Stephen had his second seizure as I was setting up his dialysis machine for the night. He was napping in his swing in the living room as I was getting some things prepped for dinner and setting up his machine. I went to go start waking him up and noticed his eyes were wide open again, staring at the wall and his arms were twitching. This one wasn't nearly as bad as the one the other night, but it was clear he was having a seizure, I quickly grabbed our little Flip camera to try to videotape the seizure. It's something the neurologist suggested on Saturday. I had pretty much laughed at him when he mentioned that because I thought how the he'll am I going to tape his sissies when I'll be freaking out that he's having a seizure! But thankfully the camera was nearby, so I got some video.

I called Bill to tell him and we debated about whether or not I should call 911 or drive him myself. Since the seizure ended within a few minutes, I threw Stephen in his car seat, grabbed a few items, and flew down the beltway to the hospital. Thankfully it wasn't rush hour, so I made it there super fast.

Right now we are still in the ER waiting to be transferred up to his room. Hopefully this time they will keep us here until he gets his EEG and MRI. He's already had an EKG while here in the ER and thankfully that came back fine (his potassium levels were high). Stephens and I had such a great day today while my sister was here visiting from PA, that it's really a bummer the day had to end this way.

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