Thursday, August 18, 2011


While taking a walk with Stephen down to Shirlington this morning, I noticed a big group of Hispanic women and children waiting for the bus stop which was a bit weird (I used to take the bus and never saw that many people waiting at that stop before) but saw their grocery bags and figured they must have just taken a trip to this Harris Teeter.  Weird they would have taken the bus to the Harris Teeter in Shirlington, but whatever.  Then on our way back home, I noticed a whole other group of women and children, this time even bigger and then realized that they had been to the Arlington Food Bank which is just across the bridge and were waiting for the bus to go home.  Seeing all those women and children made me realize how thankful I am for every single thing we have.

With everything we have been through in the past 10 months, it's easy to sometimes lose sight of all of the positive things that have happened and just how luck Billy and I really are.  I think it's probably natural to dwell on things we missed out on and sacrifices we've had to make and the feeling that we just can't seem to catch a break, but when I thought about it on the walk home, I need to just stop being so negative and think about all the amazing things I do have.  I have a beautiful baby boy who is a true miracle, a great little home that is perfect for the four (can't forget Mabel) of us, the ability to provide the best healthcare possible for Stephen and everything he could possibly need, and we have amazing family who loves us unconditionally and would do anything to help us.  But most importantly, and the thing I probably lose sight of the most, is a husband who has been there with me every step of the way through this journey, has seen me at my worst, and would do anything for his son.  We've been through more in the past 3 years than some couples will have to deal with in a lifetime, and it certainly hasn't always been easy or pretty, but I am so thankful we're together in this journey.

It's strange that seeing those women and children triggered that emotion today, but I guess it's the random things that sometimes trigger those emotions.


  1. You're an inspiration, Lindsey! Keep on keeping on.

  2. Dear Lindsey and Bill,
    You are truly blessed! Enjoy every minute with Stephen....he is a treasure!!!!
    Sue Shuff

  3. Beautifully said. You truly are in inspiration. Miss you guys tons! Love the most recent pictures of Stephen. He is adorable.
