Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday!

Dear Stephen,

Happy Birthday, my love!!  I cannot believe you're 6 today!  It seems like we were just celebrating your 5th birthday a few months ago.  Pretty soon, you're going to be 10 and then 12, and poof you'll be 18!  Ugh.  Don't grow up!!!

Every year I post a message on the blog on your birthday.  It's usually about what a miracle you are and about the day you were born and everything you've been through over the past years.  But this year, I don't want to dwell on all that stuff.  There will come a day, when all those pictures we look at from when you were a baby, will all make sense and it will start to mean more to you than "you were a very sick baby." But right now, on your 6th birthday, there's no need!  Today is the day to talk about what a cool kid you are and how smart you are and how much your Dad and I love you.

I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams that being your Mom would be so much fun and so cool!  Sure, there are moments that stink.  Like when you don't listen and you're really, really, really stubborn or you fight me to do something so simple like putting a band-aid on a cut (I mean, really...a band-aid?!?!?! You can handle so much worse!).  But, more often than not, we get to have fun together!  We get to go do cool things like take road trips or go on vacations; or go explore new parks; or go to airplane and car shows.  You're always up for an adventure with me and we spend a lot of time together.  Just you and me.  I love how you keep me company during our days at home all throughout the house running your cars here, there and everywhere.  And you're always such an awesome travel buddy.  Never complaining about waiting in lines, or during long car rides.  It's usually me who is the impatient one!

Seeing you flourish at school makes me the proudest Mom on the planet.  When I came to help out in your class for the first time at Christmas, my cheeks hurt when I left.  I could not stop smiling watching you interact with your classmates and how well you listened to your teachers and how independent you can be.  Every time I've picked you up at school or talked with the school nurse or office ladies, they always tell me how much of a joy you are to have at Hutchinson.  How polite and cute and sweet and loving you are.  You give everyone you meet a hug or high-five or fist bump, and I love that!  You couldn't make me more proud!

And you surprise me all the time!  With your smarts or your wit or your comedic timing or just the way you jump head first into something which I think you'll struggle with.  You definitely keep me on my toes, kiddo!!

I know every Mom is proud of their child, but know when I tell you Stephen, that you truly are something special.  You've defied all odds and God has certainly put you here for a reason.  I can't wait to see how you'll grow and flourish and mature over this next year, and I know you'll keep your Dad and I on our toes the whole time!

Love you times a hundred million trillion!!!!

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