Monday, September 26, 2011

Fun Weekend

Stephen had a big weekend this past weekend full of fun things! It started off on Friday with a pajama day which both Stephen and I loved! Well, probably more me than Stephen :) I can't remember the last time we were actually home all morning to sit at the table, enjoy breakfast and a cup of coffee (for me!), and then just take it easy. I felt a twinge of guilt but quickly got over it!

Saturday was Granddad Steve's 70th birthday so Stephen spent some quality time with Granddad and then we all went out for a special birthday dinner. Despite staying up way past his bedtime, Stephen did an awesome job of occupying himself in his stroller. It's tough right now because he's in such a transition stage between his infant seat and sitting up in a high chair. He's not quite sitting up fully on his own, so those restaurant high chairs don't really work, so he's either in his stroller or on someone's lap. It also makes grocery shopping and Target virtually impossible right now. Big ugh. But he's getting really close to being strong enough to sit completely on his own.

Then on Sunday, we took Stephen to the circus! We got three free tickets from our nephrologist's office (someone donated tickets to the kids), so we figured why not?! It was more of a small performing arts group rather than a circus (no lions or tigers or elephants) but it was fun to take him nonetheless. And thankfully the tickets were free because he only lasted about 30 minutes once the circus started. Oh well!

Here are some pictures from Steve's birthday and one from the circus. Hope you all a good weekend too!


  1. What a great weekend! Do feel bad about a lazy morning, they are important. We are all always so "go go go," its great to just take the time to really enjoy each other's company. So glad all is well.

  2. I took the bumbo to a few restaurants and would request a booth. That way Colin/Sawyer could sit at table height and be comfortable without risking their life in a regular high chair. I would also sit right next to them just in case they got too wild.
